Here is the checklist of specific events which may influence the sentiments of the market.

EUR: ECB President Lagarde Speaks at 12:45 PM
Measures: Due to participate in a fireside chat at the Frankfurt Forum on US-European GeoEconomics
ECB President Nov 2019 – Nov 2027. Volatility is often experienced during her speeches as traders attempt to decipher interest rate clues
As head of the ECB, which controls short term interest rates, she has more influence over the euro’s value than any other person. Traders scrutinize her public engagements as they are often used to drop subtle clues regarding future monetary policy
USD: Pending Home Sales m/m at 7:30 PM
Measures: Change in the number of homes under contract to be sold but still awaiting the closing transaction, excluding new construction
Released monthly, about 28 days after the month end
Next Release Date Oct 28, 2022
This data is released about a week later than Existing Home Sales, but it’s more forward-looking as a contract is signed several weeks before the home is counted as sold
It’s a leading indicator of economic health because the sale of a home triggers a wide-reaching ripple effect. For example, renovations are done by the new owners, a mortgage is sold by the financing bank, and brokers are paid to execute the transaction
Forecast- [-0.9%]
Previous- [-1.0%]
Actual- ?
Impact- The forecast figure seems to be slightly neutral for base metals and the dollar while positive for bullions. The actual figure to release at 7:30 PM.
FOMC Member Bullard Speaks at 7:40 PM
Measures: Due to deliver opening remarks at the Community Banking Research Conference hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Next Release Sep 29, 2022
FOMC voting member 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, and 2022
Federal Reserve FOMC members vote on where to set the nation’s key interest rates and their public engagements are often used to drop subtle clues regarding future monetary policy
FOMC Member Bullard Speaks at 7:40 PM
Measures: Due to deliver opening remarks at the Community Banking Research Conference hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Next Release Sep 29, 2022
FOMC voting member 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, and 2022
Federal Reserve FOMC members vote on where to set the nation’s key interest rates and their public engagements are often used to drop subtle clues regarding future monetary policy
USD: Fed Chair Powell Speaks at 7:45 PM
Measures: Due to deliver opening remarks in a pre-recorded video at the Community Banking Research Conference, in St. Louis;
Fed Chair Feb 2018 – Feb 2026. Fed Governor May 2012 – Jan 2028. Volatility is often experienced during his speeches as traders attempt to decipher interest rate clues
As head of the central bank, which controls short term interest rates, he has more influence over the nation’s currency value than any other person. Traders scrutinize his public engagements as they are often used to drop subtle clues regarding future monetary policy
Crude Oil Inventories at 8:00 PM
Measures: Change in the number of barrels of crude oil held in inventory by commercial firms during the past week;
Released weekly, 4 days after the week ends
Next Release Date Oct 5, 2022
While this is a US indicator, it most affects the loonie due to Canada’s sizable energy sector
It’s the primary gauge of supply and demand imbalances in the market, which can lead to changes in production levels and price volatility
Forecast- [M]
Previous- [1.1M]
Actual- ?
Impact- The forecast figure seems to be positive for Crude Oil The actual figure to release at 8:00 PM.
Source: Forex Factory
For more specific events stay tuned with us!!