It has been a long time when Nifty future indicates a discounted price. Nifty future falls by 0.69% and the last traded price was 15680.95. Precisely, this indicates that in the future we are going to see a downward trend in the market.
Nifty future has formed DOJI candlestick which itself is an indecisive pattern. Moreover, it is a pattern that cannot decide the trend of the next day’s market. Since tomorrow is Friday and we must be more cautious in order to understand the actual trend of the market. Consequently, we are going to sit back for first 45 minutes during market hours and analyze for that particular time period.
What to expect for tomorrow with Trendy Analysis?
Still, thinking about Nifty futures? No worries, you are at the right place now. Make the most out of our valuable information.
As per our analysis- Gap down opening below 15620 will create huge downside panic in Nifty futures till 15520 — 15375 and most possibly to 15200. On the contrary, we may see upward momentum in it. Be ready for a sharp upside move above 15791 levels.
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