
Monthly Disclosures

Annexure- B

Formats  for  investors  complaints  data  to  be  disclosed  monthly  by  RAs  on  their website/mobile application:

Data for the month ending –

Sr. No.Received fromPending at the end of           last monthReceivedResol ved*Total Pending#Pending complaints > 3monthsAverage Resolution time^ (in days)
1Directly from Investors      
2SEBI (SCORE S)      
3Other Sources (if any)      
 Grand Total      

^ Average Resolution time is the sum total of time taken to resolve each complaint in days, in the current month divided by a total number of complaints resolved in the current month.

Trend of monthly disposal of complaints

Sr. No.MonthCarried forward from the previous monthReceivedResolved*Pending#
1April, YYYY    
2May, YYYY    
3June, YYYY    
5March, YYYY    
 Grand Total    

*Inclusive of complaints of previous months resolved in the current month.

#Inclusive of complaints pending as on the last day of the month.

Trend of annual disposal of complaints

SNYearCarried  forward  from previous yearReceivedResolved*Pending#
 Grand Total    

*Inclusive of complaints of previous years resolved in the current year.

#Inclusive of complaints pending as on the last day of the year.