Economic updates: Consumer confidence data may lead volatility in market

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Economic Indicators

GBP: Retail Sales m/m at 11:30 AM

Measures: Change in the total value of inflation-adjusted sales at the retail level.

Released monthly, about 20 days after the month ends.
Next Release Date Jul 20, 2022

Source changed series calculation formula as of Feb 2010
It’s the primary gauge of consumer spending, which accounts for the majority of overall economic activity.

Forecast- [-0.6%]
Previous- [1.4%]
Actual- [-0.5%]

Impact- Data is neutral for GBP

EUR: German ifo Business Climate at 1:00 PM

Measures: Level of a composite index based on surveyed manufacturers, builders, wholesalers, services, and retailers.

Released monthly, around 3 weeks into the current month.
Next Release Date Jul 27, 2022

This survey is highly respected due to its large sample size and historic correlation with German and wider Eurozone economic conditions. It tends to create a hefty market impact upon release. Source changed series from a base year of 2000 to a base year of 2005, as of May 2011, and changed series to include services, as of Apr 2018.

It’s a leading indicator of economic health – businesses react quickly to market conditions, and changes in their sentiment can be an early signal of future economic activity such as spending, hiring, and investment.

Forecast- [92.8]
Previous- [93.0]
Actual- ?

Impact- The forecast figure seems to be neutral for base metals and the EUR.

USD: Revised UoM Consumer Sentiment at 7:30 PM

Measures: Level of a composite index based on surveyed consumers.

Released monthly, usually on the last Friday of the current month.
Next Release Date Jul 29, 2022.

The ‘Previous’ listed is the ‘Actual’ from the Preliminary release and therefore the ‘History’ data will appear unconnected. There are 2 versions of this data released about 15 days apart – Preliminary and Revised. The Preliminary release is the earliest and thus tends to have more impact.

Financial confidence is a leading indicator of consumer spending, which accounts for a majority of overall economic activity.

Forecast- [50.2]
Previous- [50.2]
Actual- ?

Impact- The forecast figure seems to be neutral for the dollar.

Crude Oil Inventories at 8:30 PM

Measures: Change in the number of barrels of crude oil held in inventory by commercial firms during the past week.

Released weekly, 4 days after the weekends.
Next Release Date June 29, 2022

While this is a US indicator, it most affects the loonie due to Canada’s sizable energy sector.

It’s the primary gauge of supply and demand imbalances in the market, which can lead to changes in production levels and price volatility.

Forecast- [-1.6M]
Previous- [2.0M]
Actual- ?

Impact- The forecast figure seems to be supportive of Crude Oil. The actual figure is to release at 8:30 PM.

Source: Forex Factory

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