Here is the checklist of economic data which may influence the situation of the market. Today we have numerous data so we may expect a high volatility in an evening trading session.

USD: FOMC Member Waller Speaks at 12:30pm
Measures: Due to speak about central bank digital currencies at Queensland University, in Brisbane. Audience questions expected
FOMC voting member Dec 2020 – Jan 2030
Federal Reserve FOMC members vote on where to set the nation’s key interest rates and their public engagements are often used to drop subtle clues regarding future monetary policy
USD: CPI m/m at 7:00 PM
Measures: Change in the price of goods and services purchased by consumers
Released monthly, about 16 days after the month ends
Next Release Date Dec 13, 2022
Consumer prices account for a majority of overall inflation. Inflation is important to currency valuation because rising prices lead the central bank to raise interest rates out of respect for their inflation containment mandate
The average price of various goods and services are sampled and then compared to the previous sampling
Forecast- [0.6%]
Previous- [0.4%]
Actual- ?
Impact- The forecast figure seems to be neutral for base metals and the dollar while positive for bullions. The actual figure to release at 7:30 PM.
USD: CPI y/y at 7:00 PM
Measures: Change in the price of goods and services purchased by consumers
Released monthly, about 16 days after the month ends
Next Release Date Dec 13, 2022
Consumer prices account for a majority of overall inflation. Inflation is important to currency valuation because rising prices lead the central bank to raise interest rates out of respect for their inflation containment mandate
The average price of various goods and services are sampled and then compared to the previous sampling
Forecast- [7.9%]
Previous- [8.2%]
Actual- ?
Impact- The forecast figure seems to be neutral for base metals and the dollar while positive for bullions. The actual figure to release at 7:00 PM.
USD: Core CPI m/m at 7:00 PM
Measures: Change in the price of goods and services purchased by consumers, excluding food and energy
Released monthly, about 16 days after the month ends
Next Release Date Dec 13, 2022
Food and energy prices account for about a quarter of CPI, but they tend to be very volatile and distort the underlying trend. The FOMC usually pays more attention to the Core data – so do traders
Consumer prices account for a majority of overall inflation. Inflation is important to currency valuation because rising prices lead the central bank to raise interest rates out of respect for their inflation containment mandate
Forecast- [0.5%]
Previous- [0.6%]
Actual- ?
Impact- The forecast figure seems to be neutral for base metals and the dollar while positive for bullions. The actual figure to release at 7:00 PM.
USD: Unemployment Claims at7:00 PM
Measures: The number of individuals who filed for unemployment insurance for the first time during the past week
Released weekly, usually on the first Thursday after the week ends
Next Release Nov 17, 2022
This is the nation’s earliest economic data. The market impact fluctuates from week to week – there tends to be more focus on the release when traders need to diagnose recent developments, or when the reading is at extremes
Although it’s generally viewed as a lagging indicator, the number of unemployed people is an important signal of overall economic health because consumer spending is highly correlated with labor-market conditions. Unemployment is also a major consideration for those steering the country’s monetary policy
Forecast- [220K]
Previous- [217K]
Actual- ?
Impact- The forecast figure seems to be negative for base metals and the dollar while positive for bullions. The actual figure to release at 7:00 PM
USD: Natural Gas Storage at 9:00 PM
Measures: Change in the number of cubic feet of natural gas held in underground storage during the past week
Released weekly, 5 days after the week ends
Next Release date Nov 17, 2022
Inventories are used to maintain price stability during supply shortages and periods of increasing demand
Forecast- [92B]
Previous- [107B]
Actual- ?
Impact- The forecast figure seems to be slightly positive of Natural Gas The actual figure is to release at 9:00 PM.
USD: FOMC Member Mester Speaks at 11:00 PM
Measures: Due to speak about monetary policy during and after the pandemic at an online event hosted by the European Central Bank. Audience questions expected
FOMC voting members 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2022
Federal Reserve FOMC members vote on where to set the nation’s key interest rates and their public engagements are often used to drop subtle clues regarding future monetary policy
Source: Forex Factory
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