Below is the checklist of today’s specific data. Flash Manufacturing PMI seems important for the day.

GBP: Retail Sales m/m at 11:30 AM
Measures: Change in the total value of inflation-adjusted sales at the retail level
Released monthly, about 20 days after the month ends
Next Release Date Aug 19, 2022
Source changed series calculation formula as of Feb 2010
It’s the primary gauge of consumer spending, which accounts for the majority of overall economic activity
Forecast- [-0.2%]
Previous- [-0.5%]
Actual- ?
Impact- The forecast figure seems to be negative for base metals and the dollar while positive for bullions. The actual figure to release at 11:30 AM.
EURO: French Flash Services data at 12:45 AM
Measures- level of a diffusion index based on surveyed purchasing managers in the services industry
Released monthly, around 3 weeks into the current month
Next Release date Aug 22, 2022
Economic Indicator: Above 50.0 indicates industry expansion, and below indicates contraction. There are 2 versions of this report released about a week apart – Flash and Final. The Flash release, which the source first reported in Mar 2008, is the earliest and thus tends to have the most impact
It’s a leading indicator of economic health – businesses react quickly to market conditions, and their purchasing managers hold perhaps the most current and relevant insight into the company’s view of the economy
Forecast- [52.6]
Previous- [53.9]
Actual- ?
Impact- The forecast figure seems to be slightly negative for base metals and dollar. While positive for bullions. The actual figure to release at 12:45 PM.
EURO: French Flash Manufacturing PMI at 12:45 AM
Measures- Level of a diffusion index based on surveyed purchasing managers in the manufacturing industry
Released monthly, around 3 weeks into the current month
Next Release date Aug 22, 2022
Economic Indicator: Above 50.0 indicates industry expansion, below indicates contraction. There are 2 versions of this report released about a week apart – Flash and Final. The Flash release, which the source first reported in Mar 2008, is the earliest and thus tends to have the most impact
It’s a leading indicator of economic health – businesses react quickly to market conditions, and their purchasing managers hold perhaps the most current and relevant insight into the company’s view of the economy
Forecast- [51.1]
Previous- [51.2]
Actual- ?
Impact- The forecast figure seems to be stable for bullion and dollar as there is no major change in the forecast figure. The actual figure to release at 12:45 PM.
EUR: German Flash Manufacturing PMI at 1:00 PM
Measures: Level of a diffusion index based on surveyed purchasing managers in the manufacturing industry
Released monthly, around 3 weeks into the current month
Next Release Date Aug 22, 2022
- Economic Indicator*: Above 50.0 indicates industry expansion, below indicates contraction. There are 2 versions of this report released about a week apart – Flash and Final. The Flash release, which the source first reported in Mar 2008, is the earliest and thus tends to have the most impact
It’s a leading indicator of economic health – businesses react quickly to market conditions, and their purchasing managers hold perhaps the most current and relevant insight into the company’s view of the economy
Forecast- [50.6]
Previous- [52.0]
Actual- ?
Impact- The forecast figure seems to be slightly negative for base metals and the dollar while positive for bullions. The actual figure to release at 1:00 PM.
EUR: German Flash Services PMI at 1:00 PM
Measures: Level of a diffusion index based on surveyed purchasing managers in the services industry
Released monthly, around 3 weeks into the current month
Next Release Date Aug 22, 2022
- Economic Indicator*: Above 50.0 indicates industry expansion, below indicates contraction. There are 2 versions of this report released about a week apart – Flash and Final. The Flash release, which the source first reported in Mar 2008, is the earliest and thus tends to have the most impact
It’s a leading indicator of economic health – businesses react quickly to market conditions, and their purchasing managers hold perhaps the most current and relevant insight into the company’s view of the economy
Forecast- [51.4]
Previous- [52.4]
Actual- ?
Impact- The forecast figure seems to be slightly negative for base metals and the dollar while positive for bullions. The actual figure to release at 1:00 PM.
GBP: Flash Manufacturing PMI at 2:00 PM
Measures: Level of a diffusion index based on surveyed purchasing managers in the manufacturing industry
Released monthly, around 3 weeks into the current month
Next Release Date Aug 22, 2022
- Economic Indicator*: Above 50.0 indicates industry expansion, below indicates contraction. There are 2 versions of this report released about a week apart – Flash and Final. The Flash release, which the source first reported in Nov 2019, is the earliest and thus tends to have the most impact
It’s a leading indicator of economic health – businesses react quickly to market conditions, and their purchasing managers hold perhaps the most current and relevant insight into the company’s view of the economy
Forecast- [52.1]
Previous- [52.8]
Actual- ?
Impact- The forecast figure seems to be slightly negative for base metals and the dollar while positive for bullions. The actual figure to release at 2:00 PM.
GBP: Flash Services PMI at 2:00 PM
Measures: Level of a diffusion index based on surveyed purchasing managers in the services industry
Released monthly, around 3 weeks into the current month
Next Release Date Aug 22, 2022
- Economic Indicator*: Above 50.0 indicates industry expansion, below indicates contraction. There are 2 versions of this report released about a week apart – Flash and Final. The Flash release, which the source first reported in Nov 2019, is the earliest and thus tends to have the most impact
It’s a leading indicator of economic health – businesses react quickly to market conditions, and their purchasing managers hold perhaps the most current and relevant insight into the company’s view of the economy
Forecast- [52.9]
Previous- [54.3]
Actual- ?
Impact- The forecast figure seems to be negative for base metals and the dollar while positive for bullions. The actual figure to release at 2:00 PM.
USD: Flash Services PMI at 7:15 PM
Measures: Level of a diffusion index based on surveyed purchasing managers in the services industry
Released monthly, around 3 weeks into the current month
Next Release Date Aug 23, 2022
- Economic Indicator*:Above 50.0 indicates industry expansion, below indicates contraction. There are 2 versions of this report released about a week apart – Flash and Final. The Flash release, which the source first reported in Nov 2013, is the earliest and thus tends to have the most impact
It’s a leading indicator of economic health – businesses react quickly to market conditions, and their purchasing managers hold perhaps the most current and relevant insight into the company’s view of the economy
Forecast- [52.6]
Previous- [52.7]
Actual- ?
Impact- The forecast figure seems to be neutral for base metals and the dollar while positive for bullions. The actual figure to release at 7:15 PM.
USD: Flash Manufacturing PMI at 7:15 PM
Measures: Level of a diffusion index based on surveyed purchasing managers in the services industry
Released monthly, around 3 weeks into the current month
Next Release Date Jul 21, 2022
- Economic Indicator*: Above 50.0 indicates industry expansion, below indicates contraction. There are 2 versions of this report released about a week apart – Flash and Final. The Flash release, which the source first reported in May 2012, is the earliest and thus tends to have the most impact
It’s a leading indicator of economic health – businesses react quickly to market conditions, and their purchasing managers hold perhaps the most current and relevant insight into the company’s view of the economy
Forecast- [52.0]
Previous- [52.7]
Actual- ?
Impact- The forecast figure seems to be slightly negative for base metals and the dollar while positive for bullions. The actual figure to release at 7:15 PM.